Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Purpose of Life: To fulfill one's role in society with honor, loyalty, and propriety
Major beliefs: The main beliefs are humaneness or benevolence
Historical events:
1.551-478 BC - the lifetime of Confucius
2.478 BC - shrine dedicated to Confucius built in Qufu, China
3.213 BC - Emporer Shi Huang Di orders all Confucianism books to be burned except the I Ching.
4.206 BC - order to burn all Confucianism books is repealed, Confucianism civil examination system introduced
5.618-906 - civil examination system is reformed
6.1075 - Vietnam introduces Confucian civil examination system
7.1204 - National Confucian Academy established at the capital Kaesong in Korea
8.1368 - Neoconfucanism is considered a state philosophy in China
9.1393 - Neoconfucanism is considered a state philosophy in Korea
10.1398 - National Confucian Academy is established in Seoul in Korea
Major rituals - When a woman is pregnant, she is protected by the T'ai-Shen. When you come of age you participate in a group meal where the young adult is given chicken. The marriage is done in six seperate stages. At death your family must cry out and tell the neighbors about it.
Prayer - You would pray for rain and sun
Holidays - Semtember 28, the birthday of Confucius, the founder of Confucianism
Celebration - They believe that virtue is a celebration
Holy Books - The Analects which is a book containing the discussions that Confucius had with his followers
Code of Conduct - Li, which is rituals, propriety, etiquette; Hsiao, which is love within the family, love of parents for their children and of children for their parents; Yi which is righteousness; Xin which is honesty and trustworthiness; Jen which is benevolence, humaneness towards others; Chung which is loyalty to the state

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